The question of the year if you know what I mean. (Honestly I dont
even know what I mean because I am so weird. Nothing has changed lol.)
But for real HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We rang in the New Year with
matching nighties, pigtails, pizza, Monopoly, bed hopping, and pillow
fights. How white girl? It was a night to remember that's for sure. I
remember last year I tweeted "I hope my 2015 will be like Taylor Swift's
2014" because she really killed it and became herself. HOLLA! I hope
that I can continue finding myself this year. I now have less than a
year left here in the mission and I have an idea of what I am doing
(kinda lol) and the language is getting there. Honestly I can understand
almost everything in the lessons when it is churchie and probably like
seventy-five percent of the time outside of church talk(50% is probably
more honest haha). But honestly this is the best decision of my life. I
know I am just going to keep growing. Sometimes I get anxious to get
home just because I want to see how BLESSED my life can be fully living
the gospel on a day to day basis. I think we all know I was a little
"flojo" or what my fav Bishop Greg Madsen would call "slack-tive" in the
church. I have learned so much here and seen so many blessings as a
full-time missionary, now I just want to get home and be a full-time
member so I can see the blessings of the gospel in my life. But that
being said, I am grateful that I still have a year to learn and grow
even more.
This week while we got ready we listened to this talk
and omg drop what you are doing right this very second and go read it.
Honeslty one of the most EYE OPENING talks of my life. Wow shoutout to
my mom for the practice lines haha. Honestly though this week I have
been thinking A LOT about how I am practicing my faith and showing Jesus
Christ that I am thankful for all He has given me. We were sitting in a
lesson and we were talking about our attitudes. We were teaching in
lessons because my Heavenly Father loves me enough to have put me in an
area where there are a couple people who lived in the states before. So
we were talking about having a positive attitude and we shared in
Philippians 2 13-16 which reads
15 That
ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in
the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as
lights in the world;
And that second verse HIT ME! "DO ALL THINGS
WITHOUT MURMURINGS." Wow I just thought about all the negativity I had
been vibing. I LOVE the mission but we all have our moments. But when I
read this I realized that part of it is my reaction. There are always
going to be problems in our lives. Things that we can CHOOSE to complain
about. But really if we look around and see all the BEAUTY we realize
there is so much more to be JOYFUL about! Just like verse 15 says we are
truly a LIGHT for the world. I love the analogy of a candle for sharing
our light. When we use a candle to light another candle the first
candle doesn't lose any light. It is the same way when we share joy in
our lives. When we share our happiness, our joy, our light, we don't dim
our own light we only make the world a brighter place. Oh and how
bright it could be if we were all just a little more willing to share
our lights. But instead the world to tends to act like lobsters/crabs
when they are trying to escape from tanks. The other crabs pull them
down and stop them from getting out. We should support each other and
REJOICE in the success of others. I love you all so much and hope that
each and every one of you can look for ways to uplift others around you!All the love,
Hermana Bossard xoxoxoxoxo!
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