Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Well I don't have much time this week or anything to say but I just want you all to know how much I love each and every one of you. Everyone is really jealous of me because I get SOOOOOOOOOOOO much mail and sooooo many packages and seriously they are from so many different people and I can just feel the love so much! You are all awesome!

This week I finished the Book of Mormon and then started it over again and it is so true! Wow I remember in high school and at BYU I could not read it to save my life. Honestly I would sit down and just read like the same chapter five times over and not understand it or get anything out of it and I have been praying so hard on the mish to be able not only to read it but to comprehend it. Can I just tell you the Lord answers prayers! The other day I read THIRTEEN CHAPTERS in one day. Maybe that doesn't seem like a lot for some people because there are people that read it in two or three days in the mission BUT for me it is a lot. Remember people this gospel is not about comparing us to each other but instead is about IMPROVING OURSELVES. Even though for others that may seem small, it is a HUGE STEP for me! Before I left on the mission there was on scripture that meant anything to me personally, now there are so many that I love and use to help me! Remember never to give up on yourself or doubt yourself because you think you aren't good enough. We are all on our own path is becoming the person Heavenly Father sees us as. Start where you are! As President Uchtdorf said this past conference, you don't have to be more anything to start. START WHERE YOU ARE! YOU CAN DO IT! Lots of love to all of you! I pray for you and care for you. Don't settle. Go out there are achieve your dreams!

All the love,
Hermana Bossard xoxoxo

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